Just because this breed doesn't understand their strength, they are simple, loving dogs, that express how they are treated. If miss treated, they will defend themselves. I regret not walking her more, and snuggling her when she wanted it. Not being so cautious with her throwing up, and eating everything. I have learned Accidents happen. Its okay. I will forever love & miss you my beautiful girl! 
Jerome - my kitty!
Laundry day! 
Asia & me were NOT snuggling! 
Pittie Smile!!! 
My neighborhood buddy! 
Accidents Happen! 
My other Mom!                       Anne! 
Busted toenail, Ouch! 
My Spay! 
Favorite Chair! 
9/19/08 evening @ AMC 
her last breath on this earth
Hip Dislocation 8/2006
Kong Love!! 
Falcon Cove 
                                         My Story! 
I was born on February 7th 2005. I was officially adopted on April 16th. I also got to meet my nephew Simon and my uncle Alec that same day.

I had four previous owners by the time my mom came to the rescue! I had a way of cheering up the worst mood possible. I would shoot through the house and wiggle all over you till you were giggling.

My mom was very kind to include me with every daily task after work. She even hired me a dog walker, since her hips weren't feeling good. I later stole my dog walker, Peg's heart; I met a lot of cool friends.

On April 30th 2005, I met a pretty cool chick that later became my step parent, Katy. She helped train me to be less aggressive towards food. I also experienced Meat for cats and dogs late fall. I fell quickly in love with the idea of toys, food, AND humans all in the same place. Dogs were pretty cool too, but I was to ADHD with my ball at the park, that I didn't interact much with other dogs. I did love a good snuggle with my best bud Asia though.

My favorite toy was a purple huck west paw ball that I wasn't able to destroy, and that's saying a lot for a pittie! I loved my playtime in the evening with it at the park.

I was having separation anxiety after we moved into a Townhouse off of Flanders and 22nd in NE. I helped my mom with laundry on a regular basis, and claimed her favorite heart pillow & my kitty’s blanket. She later knew that with a little patience, rescue remedy, a radio and a cozy kennel I would settle down and await her arrival home each night.
I loved everything I met along my walks in the morning. I especially liked this white kitty in my neighborhood.

I was learning to walk nicely on a leash at an early age of 4 mos. I chewed through several harnesses till my mom got that I didn't like things on my body. She later figured out a halti was the trick! She also trained me to be off-leash, so she could take me to the park.

However, I yearned for her to be able to walk me. But, I understood my role was to comfort her when she was in pain. See, she has this hip disorder called hip dysplasia; and she had a dislocated hip. I cherished the 4 blocks she'd walk me off-leash to the park to tire me out each night, no matter the time. I always got at least 1 1/2 hours of park time.

I was an accident prone kid; I blamed her for most of it. If she wouldn't get stressed out and hurt herself, I wouldn't follow lead. I forgot to inform her that I busted my toenail at Normandale Park & I had toe surgery. She figured out the art form of how to keep a bandage clean for more than 24 hours though!

I was about 1 yrs old when I got to experience the ocean for the first time with my mom. Uncle Alec, Simon, Sarah & Roxy pops got to come too! 

Me and Alec would swim out really far and then back again til he was drained of energy. I then would recruit Roxy to run around with me & chase seagulls. 

I was scheduled to be spayed in November 2006. But, due to a false pregnancy, I had to wait. Boy! Did my mom learn my heat cycle incredibly well after that! Oops! She took such good care of me, and I wished I could reciprocate it for her. 

In December, a day came that I got to meet a friendly lady named Anne. She had 2 boy dogs, that I liked to pounce at occasionally. I really rather destroy their toys!

I didn't realize my mom was falling in love, and my life was about to dramatically change!

I later moved in with Ponch and Preston, and Anne. It was a little awkward at first, I didn't know the rules and tried to push boundaries and act out. I quickly figured out where my place was, and what the pecking order was in this pack.

My mom used to say I was a cat in another life. I loved to bask in the sun on my new deck. I had a silly clown personality; I often tried to sneak a toy into bed with us. It later had to go "ni-night". I loved life to the fullest!
I taught my brothers the importance of small things in life. Like what how wonderful peanut butter in a Kong on a Saturday morning was to me. Also, taking things off of the coffee table, this was totally off limits!

 Well, I got my wish! On Feb 13th, 2008; she mustered up enough courage after 10 years; to get her left hip fixed. I later found out this was for me. What amazing love she carries for me. She wanted nothing more than to walk me miles and miles.

She got her dream to walk me on April 5th at 3:30p.m.
I got 5 good months out of her new leg, before I fell ill; and she had to make the hardest decision of her life. 

She didn't realize that when she gave me a new treat on September 5th 2008, that I always got to excited to chew them. Ironically, Luna; the next pooch to love my mom was born on this day. 

On September 19th 2008 I had surgery to remove the Crunch 'em clean bone from my small intestine. They had to give me 16 stitches. I worried my mom very much. I knew this was my last battle. I wanted my mom to be able to say goodbye & take care of herself.

On September 20th 2008 my mom came to get me from AMC. I was still so sick; I was carried out on a stretcher.

I just wanted to be home and not make more bills for her. I was in my house 10 minutes, when my incision started to rupture. She tried to stabilize me with her left arm. When my brothers barked at me, is when I started to go into shock. She was in a pure panic attack, at the thought and site of losing me. I was rushed to Dove Lewis in NW. Where the vet on staff told her that I wasn't going to make it & the humane thing to do was to let me go.

At 6:47 p.m. she decided to let me sleep forever & play with my friend chewy.

I was ready to be out of my sick body. The second the vet put the syringe into my IV, my mom placed her left hand on my chest and felt me take my last; shallow breath. I felt re leaved when it happened, but I still ended up going home with her. I needed to make sure she was going to pull through. She needed some sort of closure out of me being taken from her so unexpectedly.
She had me cremated, and has made a ceramic Kong Urn for my ashes. I also am resting in Meat in a Tennis Ball Urn as well.
        *Let your loved ones go, and if it’s meant to be they will return to you*  
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